Online Registration

Online Registration for New & Returning Students

Thank you for your time registering your student with Fairhaven Public Schools (FPS)!

Please read all of the following information carefully as it describes the process and requirements for your child to attend a Fairhaven school.

Current Preschool students entering Kindergarten at either Wood or East Fairhaven Elementary schools do not need to fill out new student registration forms.

Students entering First grade who are currently enrolled in an FPS Kindergarten at either elementary school do not need to fill out new student registration forms.

School Contact Information

 School  Address  Phone
 Leroy L. Wood Elementary   60 Sconticut Neck Road  508-979-4073
 East Fairhaven Elementary  2 New Boston Road   508-979-4058
 Elizabeth Hastings Middle School  30 School Street 508-979-4063 
 Fairhaven High School  12 Huttleston Avenue  508-979-4052 
 Administration Building (during summer months)  128 Washington Street 508-979-4000 

“The Fairhaven Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community, will ensure high-level learning for all children in a safe environment, so each can become independent, productive, and successful.” 

Registration Process

Please only use a computer or Chromebook to complete the online registration form. Registration will not work on a tablet or mobile device.

Step 1. Create a Fairhaven Aspen-X2 Account.

If your child is currently enrolled in FPS, you must log into your Aspen account. If you forgot or do not know your Aspen account please contact, Kennedy Hunter via email [email protected] with the following information:
- your child(s) first & last name
- your child(s) grade
- your child(s) school name 

If your child has not already enrolled in FPS, you must request an account through Aspen:

To access Fairhaven's Aspen-x2 website, please click here.

Step 2. Pre-register through Fairhaven's Aspen-x2

Once you Login through Aspen...

For current students locate the Returning Student Registration link. 
Select the Initiate button, shown below.

For new students locate the New Student Registration link. 
Select the Initiate button, shown below.


Step 3. Upload Documents through Aspen-X2.

Do not email your child's confidential information to any FPS school. 

Required Documents

Next Steps

The school will contact you about your child's first day of school. Please do not send your child to school until the school instructs you to do so.

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