Acceptable Use Policy

Student Expectations

I have read, understand and will follow this Acceptable Use Policy posted on If I break this agreement, the consequences could include suspension of computer privileges and/or disciplinary action. I also understand the school network and email accounts are owned by Fairhaven Public School and that Fairhaven Public Schools has the right to access any of the information used through the mediums provided through the school at any time.

Parent/Guardian Acceptable Use Signature

Parent collaboration and consent working together is a crucial focus of Fairhaven Public Schools. Through our technology integration, we want to work with parents so they understand the different initiatives that are taking place at school, whether they are using technology or not. We encourage you to have your children guide you through their work so you will see their work as it develops.

As parents, students and teachers working together, we become a strong learning community, therefore, creating more opportunities for our students to become successful. As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Fairhaven Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy.

I understand that technology is provided for educational purposes in keeping with the academic goals of Fairhaven Public Schools, and that student use for any other purpose is inappropriate. I recognize it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on the school network. I understand that children’s computer activities at home should be supervised as they can affect the academic environment at school.

I understand and will support my student in adhering to this Acceptable Use Policy. I am aware that if my child breaches this agreement, the consequences could include suspension of computer privileges and/or disciplinary action. I also understand the school network and email accounts are owned by Fairhaven Public Schools and that Fairhaven Public Schools has the right to access any of the information used through the mediums provided through the school at any time. I hereby give permission for my child to use technology resources in Fairhaven Public Schools.

Parent/Guardian Student Images for Educational Purposes

Fairhaven Public Schools attempts to provide students with the best educational practices and resources. Fairhaven schools will also attempt to recognize student achievement and success by publishing student names and/or pictures in the newspaper, school based web pages or blogs, school newsletters, and video/cable access television. The information, which may be released for publication, includes only the student’s name, class, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, degrees, honors, and awards. Photographs and video recordings may also be taken during school activities for use on Fairhaven Public Schools web pages, blogs, newsletters, yearbooks, and newspaper articles.

Fairhaven Public Schools owns the photographs and video recordings and all rights to them.

Fairhaven Device Statement of Responsibility for Parent/Guardian and Student (If applicable)

We understand that we are accepting responsibility for any damage, destruction, or loss of the assigned device leaving school property (iPad, laptop, tablet or Chromebook). We understand that we are responsible for the total cost of replacing a damaged, destroyed, or lost device.

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